Friday 1 January 2021

Welcome to 25 ?

     Hi! It's 1st of January 2021!

Honestly I don't believe that I'm already 25? Like seriously it's a joke for me. Is this how it feel to be 25? This is not what as I imagine of 25 y/o is. When I was a teenager, I see people around age of 25 - 30 is an as adult, matured, stable and as someone that I can depend to. But looking back to myself at 25, I don't have any of it. It's a scam! What have I done throughout all of this years? Did I contribute anything? I don't even remember. It feels like I didn't do a lot of things. I wasted my time worrying about my future that I didn't really live on my present. I've made my decision. I want to live the way I want without worrying anything. I want to try everything I want. I don't want to regrets anything.

    2020 teach me a lot. I'm the type of person who planned everything and made sure that I can fulfill it. I started planning my life when I was 16. At that moment my goal was to be a psychologist and get my master degree at 24. I made a research on how to go through that path and I manage to do it. Alhamdulillah. After SPM, enter science foundation for a year, later get my first choice on UPU to further my degree in psychology for 3 years and continue in master degree counselling psychology for 2 years. I thought everything going as I plan but then COVID-19 appeared. Lol

    All of my batch need to postpone our last semester (practical) because we cannot do counselling session during the pandemic. So basically my plan was dragged and I can't fulfill my goal to graduate by 24. Honestly I was a bit sad because only one semester is left and why the hell did COVID appeared at that time. It took me for a while to accept the situation and I learned to accept it anyway. The whole world are being affected and it's not just about me. I know that there's nothing that I can do about it. It's not that I can make the vaccines. Lol

I believe that everything happens for a reason and Allah knows better. Let just pray for the best. I hope that 2021 would be the best year for all of us. Amin.

    And I don't know if anyone ever felt like you never thought about relationship? Is it not normal? I don't know why my friends keep saying that I should find someone and try to be in a relationship because honestly I never be in a relationship for the past 25 years. I do feel grateful to them for worrying about me but I'm okay. I don't know how to explain this but it's not that I don't want to be in a relationship. I do really want but I just haven't found someone that I'm really interested in. I believe when the time comes it will come. No need to rush. 

Let just pray for the best! 

    And I don't want to plan anything for this year. 

    I just want to live happily and hoping for the best for 2021 💪

    Good luck for all of us! 💗

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