Thursday 19 May 2016


Penjara Wanita Kajang
18 May 2016 - A new experience that I would never ever forget it.. Heyy . I got a chance to enter the prison lahhhhh. It's really a rare opportunity and thanks to our lecturer Dr. Rahim for giving us this new opportunity. The first thing that we need to do before enter the prison is to make sure that kita masuk dalam tu sehelai sepinggang.. We can't bring anything and for sure, phone is not excluded. I already bayangkan dah konon-konon nak ambil gambar from the inside of the prison but we can't..

           So for sure I'm feeling excited,but at the same time, I feel scared. But things get better after we met the policewomen. Like seriously all of them are beautiful and kind. Muda-muda lagi kot semua.. Suddenly feeling insecure. Ahahaha

           The first place that we go is Bengkel Jahitan. I met a lot of foreigners there and I ask the police officer if they understand Malay Language and she said yaaaaa.. they understand and sooner or later they'll know how to speak in Bahasa Melayu. They made baju kurung and many other clothes. Many people tempah with them as the price is reasonable and the quality is confirmed.

           And yaaaa.. after that we go to the Taska, Bakery and Bengkel mencanting batik. My perception about prison change 360 degree,, Like seriously I couldn't believe it. It's just like a place that trained people to do something that would benefit them for the future. That's why the police officer said that now the prison is a place for 'Pemuliharaan' . They wanna help the prisoner to be a better person in the future.

          The last place that we go is their Gallery. Semua hasil tangan mereka ditempatkan di gallery itu and dijual. Like seriously it's looks like from a proffesional beb..

So this is our lecturer Dr. Rahim and my psychology coursemates.

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