Tuesday 18 October 2016

Bukit Batu Chondong

Puncak Bukit Batu Chondong
First reaction that I got from my friends are , "Mana doe bukit chondong tu?" , "Wujud ke bukit chondong tu?", "Tak pernah dengar pun" and etc. And yaaaaa.. this place exist and it is situated at Kemensah. Only took about an hour from UKM Bangi. Tapi seriuslah nak masuk tu memang dalam giler. Mula-mula memang dah takut lah sebab jalan makin lama makin kecik and curam. Terlaju or terbabas memang jatuh ke bawah lah citernya. But syukur Alhamdulillah selamat sampai. Anyway, tempat ni memang betul2 belakang Zoo Negara. Masuk lah dekat lorong kecik tu tepi gate zoo negara tu. Mula-mula memang takde apa-apa. Then bila dah masuk dalam lagi tu ada air terjun, chalet, kampung-kampung. 

Dekat sini ada dua aktiviti. Sama ada nak naik ATV or daki bukit chondong ni. Tapi bukit ni takdelah tinggi mana, tapi track dia lah payah sikit. Hampir sesat sebab salah jalan, So mata memang kena tajam lah tengok track and petunjuk. Bukit chondong ni ada 4 puncak, satu puncak tu senang lah nak naik, pejam mata pun boleh. Tapi lagi tiga puncak tu ,payahhhh doe.  Nasib baiklah masa kami pergi tu ada group pendaki profesional. Dorang lah yang tolong bagi step-step macam mana nak naik and turun. Kalau takde dorang menangis lerr kiteorang kat atas bukit tu tak turun-turun. Ahahaha. Ada tali, and kalau tersilap pijak and tangan tak kuat, jatuh ke bawah lerr citernya. 
Nampak dalam gambar macam senang, tapi realitinyaaaaaa.. rasa lah sendiri sana. Ahahaha
 Dekat pendakian sebelum ke puncak nilah kasut aku kopak.  So masa nak turun ke bawah tu memang kasut tu dah nyawa-nyawa ikan lah.. Tapi syukur Alhamdulillah kasut tu masih mampu bertahan sampai ke bawahh.. aduhaiiii.. nak gelak je bila ingat balikkk..
80% sebelum sampai ke puncak bukit.

We did it!!!!

Sebelum start mendaki ni motto kami "We don't need man at all" Tapi lepas mendaki ni kami tarik balik kata-kata kami. Terima kasih ye pada group pendaki yang tolong kami tu.. Kalau tak sampai sekarang ni, kami masih dekat atas bukit tu, tak reti nak turunnn.. Ahahahahaha

Thursday 19 May 2016


Penjara Wanita Kajang
18 May 2016 - A new experience that I would never ever forget it.. Heyy . I got a chance to enter the prison lahhhhh. It's really a rare opportunity and thanks to our lecturer Dr. Rahim for giving us this new opportunity. The first thing that we need to do before enter the prison is to make sure that kita masuk dalam tu sehelai sepinggang.. We can't bring anything and for sure, phone is not excluded. I already bayangkan dah konon-konon nak ambil gambar from the inside of the prison but we can't..

           So for sure I'm feeling excited,but at the same time, I feel scared. But things get better after we met the policewomen. Like seriously all of them are beautiful and kind. Muda-muda lagi kot semua.. Suddenly feeling insecure. Ahahaha

           The first place that we go is Bengkel Jahitan. I met a lot of foreigners there and I ask the police officer if they understand Malay Language and she said yaaaaa.. they understand and sooner or later they'll know how to speak in Bahasa Melayu. They made baju kurung and many other clothes. Many people tempah with them as the price is reasonable and the quality is confirmed.

           And yaaaa.. after that we go to the Taska, Bakery and Bengkel mencanting batik. My perception about prison change 360 degree,, Like seriously I couldn't believe it. It's just like a place that trained people to do something that would benefit them for the future. That's why the police officer said that now the prison is a place for 'Pemuliharaan' . They wanna help the prisoner to be a better person in the future.

          The last place that we go is their Gallery. Semua hasil tangan mereka ditempatkan di gallery itu and dijual. Like seriously it's looks like from a proffesional beb..

So this is our lecturer Dr. Rahim and my psychology coursemates.

Friday 25 March 2016

Erased ( Boku Dake ga Inai Machi )

The best anime for 2016

What can be worse than today???I'm really in a bad mood because Erased already ended for this season. ohhhhh noooooo... I really can't accept it. I love how this anime is different from other animes. And the best quote from this anime are "I need a buddies,not a casual friends" and  "I believe in you is another word of you begging someone to believe you". Like seriously this quote brings a positive impact to ourselves. It's feel like everyone need a real good friend not just someone that you barely know but a friend that always be there for you no matter what happen and always support you . And the word "I believe in you" is also a magic word that everyone loves to hear it from someone that they trust. Anyway, Satoru and Kenya were just a great team. I really love how Kenya act so matured eventhough he is just a kid. He can understand the adult of Satoru. Lastly,this anime also teach us about the burden that we need to share with someone else. Always talk to someone that you trust if you got any problems so that you can be a better version of  yourself.. Okayyy. I don't want to talk much about it. I don't wanna a spoiler you know. Ahahaha...

Saturday 19 March 2016

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri vs Attack on Titan

            The new anime for 2016 is definitely KOUTETSUJOU NO KABANERI it gonna be a hit! The genre is action guys!! Hewhewhew. My favorite genres! Like seriously I can't wait to watch it! The trailer already made me die a little more! Ahahaha.  Many of anime fans are being excited about this anime but there are also some of them criticized it. Many of them said that it is just a copy of Attack on Titans but seriously NO guys! It's totally a different thing !! Although they use Eren's voice but still it doesn't make the storyline same. Right?? Hewhewhew 

Both of them are different right??

In KnK it is more to the zombies rather than in AoT it is the real titan. So it's totally different okayyy.

 So to anyone who haven't watched the trailer, now just go and watch it. Heeeeee..


And the best parts is, they got a trains! Ahahaha.


Thursday 3 March 2016



What did I do todayyy??!! Rewatching my favourite anime TOKYO GHOUL! I've been waiting for years for the new seasons. And there is a rumors that the new season will be released this year!! 2016!! OMG !!  It was reported that the season 3 may be launching this summer guyssss... Arghhhhhhhh.. At last!! I can't wait!!!
      I started watching anime when I was a kid and the first anime is Shaman King!! Yaaaa.. I love Asakura Yoh!! He is damn so cool. And for sure Manta! the cute little boy. I was wondering why must he be too small from the other kid but that's okayyyy.. That's what makes him cute.. OMG!! .. it really hold my childhood memories.. Ahahahaha.. Then I watch Inuyasha, Prince of Tennis, Naruto, Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fate Stay Night, My Little Monster and many other animes...... 
      The genres that I'm interested  are basically horror and action. I'm not really interested in love or romantic genres. I always had a dream that I'm going into their world and  I've been to Konoha a few times in my dreams and I got the chance to meet Shikamaru, Lee, and many other. But I didn't get the chance to meet GAARA my love!! But it's okayyy. At least, I can feel their feeling living in Konoha.. Ahahahahaha.. 
      Okayyyy.. That's all for todayy.. 

Saturday 27 February 2016


My roommate and I were feeling excited from yesterday... Because we got free tickets to watch Konsert Diraja UKM. We're bored to die because we don't have anything to do as we are in the first week of the lecture. And we're thankful enough because at least we got something to do tonight. Ahahaha. So we go there by my roommate's motorcycle and guess what??!! As we reached there , all of them are wearing formal . BAJU KURUNG okayyy..  And both of us were laughing so hard because we can't join the event because we're wearing casually. Like seriously we go there for nothing???!! Then we decided to go back to our room and mereputtss like we always did.. And before that, to release the frustration ,I did something,,




       Okayy.. Today I would like to talk about my favourite band and guess what? While I'm writing this post I'm listening to their songs., Their songs are just alive and while I'm not in the good mood I would JUST PUT THE EARPHONE on, HIGH VOLUME ON AND listening to their song and sing out loud! and I can say that I'm not in the mood right now...
        The best part about this band is, it was formed on 1996! so I can say that the band has same age with me.. It's cool huh.. I've been listening to their songs since I was a kid  and I can say that I've grown up with their songs. Their songs are evergreen and anyone can sing it. I got a lot of memory with every of their songs. ARGHHHHHHH.. what I can say moreeeee.. I just love themmmmmmm.. I love all of their songs but I like Numb and In The End the most ! And Hybrid Theory and Meteora are their best album!!!!! How I wish I can sing with them! Ahahaha..  Okayy.. I think that my mood is getting better ... Ahahahahaa..  GOODBYEEEEEEE...